
8. Week              26.01.14 - 02.02.14

Endspurt, the last weekly report of the gestation.
It rumbles just as in Amalis tummy.
She loves to lie flat on the floor and stretching all four of itself.
Its just fantastic to see and feel that something grows in Amalis tummy.




46,6 kg

7. Week               19.01.14 - 26.01.14

Again a week has passed.
But it was a very special week because Yachter the father of the puppies was visting. They were, as always, a heart and a soul. It's just beautiful how loving they treat each other.
Many thanks again Christine and Wolfgang, for the wonderful afternoon.
Now there are only two weeks until the expected date of birth of the puppies.
Amali has in the recent days risen the size of her belly.
We are so excited and full of anticipation.

42,4 kg

6. Week               12.01.14 - 19.01.14

Amali is all the time very hungry. At night, she sneaks through the house, looking for something to eat. I had caught her when she stole some DogsGoodies from the kitchen buffet. Previously it was normal to leave everything to eat at the place, but now I have to put away everything and store it safely.
The tummy will now rapidly increased in size and in the evening she is always more often in the litter box.

39,4 kg

5. Week               05.01.14 - 12.01.14

Back home from spain, there is no place like home!
Amali is very very affectionate and greedy. Their morning nausea she has left behind.

Gradually her tummy beginns to grow and the nippels getting bigger. Just simply pregnant!
The first litter-box-test had also taken place.

The French level shows 

38,2 kg

Ersten Bilder der Nachkommen von Amali und yachter

4. Week               29.12.13 - 05.01.14

Amali seems to be a little sluggish! She doesn't like to play and run around with other dogs. Even a little walk brings her no joy. It also has much to contend with morning nausea. We feed her now three times a day with stallet proportions.

According to the Spanish level she has lost weight again. We are just not sure whether this is ok, because do they work as they should? Amali does not look as if she has become thinner.

36,9 kg

3. Week            22.12.13 - 29.12.13

I didn´t expect that it is possible that Amali could be more affectionate then she normaly is! But yes, it is possible! She follows me on the foot wherever I go, and occurs most like on my feet! She always want´s to have body contact with me, dearest to every day and nighttime!

37,9 kg

2. week            15.12.13 - 22.12.13


Amali is not as activ as usual!

She loves to lie in the sun on her garden lawn.

38,2 kg

1. Week            08.12.13 - 15.12.13



No abnormalities!!!




38,4 kg