
True love!!!


You can estimate the time of the wedding if you know the cycle of your bitch. As Valentine's Day is approaching, one could not wish for a better day for mating. And so our wishes came true!  

On February 14th, 2020 at exactly 14:00 o'clock Baka and Ayana celebrated their wedding. We had wonderful sunshine and there was love in the air. Nobody could plan it like this, we were just overwhelmed. 


The newlyweds spent the whole afternoon together and Ayana was very much in need of communication. 

Now we hope that this love will bear fruit.


Zum krönenden Abschluss bekam Ayana noch ein tolles Hochzeitsgeschenk. Vielen Dank Juliane und Baka. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon auf ein Wiedersehen.

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