

True Love


On March 7th we came back from Italy happy and satisfied. We spent a few wonderful days with Marina and Rachele in beautiful Milan Area. The weather was fantastic and a good prerequisite for a nice mating. Chinara was immediately on fire for Maxxi. No wonder I already had my eye on him when he was still a junior.  After a few big rounds in the garden there was no stopping for the two. 

It was such a harmonious and loving mating, Chinara and Maxxi licked each other's lips again and again.  Even after mating they could not take their eyes off each other. 

For us it looked like true love.

That is why our next litter will be called TRUE LOVE.

We are expecting the puppies in the 1st week of May. We are looking forward to it very much. Thank you again dear Marina and dear Rachele for your trust and the beautiful time together. 


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